Finance & Stewardship
9 persons elected by Foothills Presbytery. (The Committee will be chosen by expertise in Finance and Stewardship. At least one member will be selected from each of the three Regional Gatherings of Presbytery.)
The Finance and Stewardship Committee provides financial planning and fiscal oversight for the Presbytery. It promotes stewardship in the congregations of the Presbytery and interprets the budgets of Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly.
- Receive budget information and requests from the committees and commissions of Presbytery.
- Oversee budget process; form an annual budget to submit to Council for consideration, interpretation, and communication to Presbytery.
- Oversee the finances and report regularly to Presbytery.
Oversee the investments of Presbytery. - Ensure that an annual independent audit is performed and reported to the team and the Presbytery.
- Encourage stewardship in the congregations of the Presbytery through training and education.
- Develop guidelines for the three Regional Gatherings to foster responsible Stewardship and Financial Principles (Best Practices) which will be implemented within the Regional Gatherings.
- Encourage sessions to make budgeted benevolent allocations for the work of Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly causes.
- Recommend approval and promotion of special offerings as authorized by the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly.
- Recommend scheduling and approval of capital funds campaigns to the Presbytery.